Further training 2023

Training modules

SalutaCoach AG is offering a Personal Health Coach training course in 2023 that complies with the EMR regulations. The focus is on the “Sleep” module and the “Weight loss” modules.

If you want to train as a personal health coach, benefit from intervision and hone your skills as a coach, then our customized offers are just right for you.

Choose the modules that suit you.

Module on site

Online modules
Intervision + knowledge transfer

Bundles & combination offers


Do you want to train as a personal health coach? Benefit from intervision and refine your skills as a coach?

Then our tailor-made offers are just right for you. Choose the modules that suit you!

Online evening modules Weight reduction

Supervision & knowledge inputs

09.03 / 20.06 / 06.09 / 26.10 / 05.12

The online modules take place during the week in the evening via Microsoft Teams from 19:00 – 20:30 (see dates in the description below).

Each online module deals with a specific topic related to weight loss. This topic will be discussed and presented by a specialized personal health coach. After a knowledge transfer, a guided intervision takes place.

Module 1: Hormones and their influence on weight regulation.

Date: 09.03.2023

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Cost: 75.

Speaker: Dr. Katharina Timper

Module 2: Tackling beliefs and stereotypes?

Date: 20.06.2023

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Cost: 75.

Speaker: Dr. Natascha Wyss

Module 3: ADHD in adults - How ADHD affects weight management.

Date: 06.09.2023

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Cost: 75.

Speaker: Dr. phil. Francois Gremaud

Module 4: How micronutrients help with weight loss.

Date: 26.10.2023

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Cost: 75.

Speaker: Martina Heyer

Module 5: How necessary is exercise really for weight loss? What intensities, etc. are necessary?

Date: 05.12.2023

Time: 19:00 - 20:30

Cost: 75.

Speaker: Dr. Jan Stutz

Do you want to train as a personal health coach? Benefit from intervision and refine your skills as a coach?

Then our tailor-made offers are just right for you. Choose the modules that suit you!

All-day training

Sleep module

Saturday, 13.05.2023

One in four adults in Switzerland suffers from sleep disorders (FSO, 2015). This makes sleep disorders one of the most common health complaints in Switzerland. Stress and physical inactivity promote such sleep disorders and can therefore be addressed with personal health coaching. But what exactly do you need to look out for? You can find out in the sleep module from PD Dr. phil Serge Brand, research psychologist and sleep researcher at the University of Basel.

"There is clear evidence that acute - as well as regular - physical activity has a positive effect on sleep continuity and sleep architecture. This applies to both healthy people and people with sleep disorders." 

PD Dr. phil Serge Brand
Sleep researcher at the University of Basel

Module on site

Date: 13.05.2023

Place: Basel

Time: approx. 10:00 - 17:00

Speaker: PD Dr. phil Serge Brand, research psychologist, University of Basel

EMR hours: 10h

-      2h preparation

-      6h presence

      -      2h follow-up. 

Customize your annual training and benefit from attractive bundle offers.


If you want to attend several training modules or complete the entire 2023 training program from SalutaCoach AG, then the training bundles are worthwhile . The training courses offered by SalutCoach AG comply with the EMR regulations.

Online package
All online courses

20% discount

All inclusive
Complete training
(On-site + online modules)


24% discount

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